Jason's Deli

Home > Restaurants & Food Service > Jason's Deli

64 Belinda Parkway, Mt. Juliet, TN, 37122, US

Phone: (615) 553-2077


Family owned and community focused, Jason’s Deli serves guests at 250 delis in 28 states. Around here, a lot of thought goes into what we put in our food, and what we take out of it. Get to know our wholesome ingredients and the trusted partners we get them from.


More natural in more ways

We were one of the first restaurant groups to remove artificial trans fats from our food - back In 2005. Since then, we have eliminated:

Processed MSG
High-fructose corn syrup
Artificial colors*
Artificial flavors
If we wouldn’t serve it to our families, we’re not going to serve it to yours.

*Artificial colors refer to those chemically synthesized in labs. We only allow natural colors in our food products. Natural colors are pigments obtained from plants, minerals or other naturally occurring materials. Examples of natural colors include beet juice and caramel.


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